Schlagwort: Robotics

AMD Robotics Starter Kit Kick-Starts the Intelligent Factory of the Future

  • Kria KR260 Star­ter Kit enables rapid deve­lo­p­ment of hard­ware-acce­le­ra­ted appli­ca­ti­ons for robo­tics and indus­tri­al automation —
  • Deli­vers near­ly 5X pro­duc­ti­vi­ty gain, up to 8X bet­ter performance/watt and 3.5X lower laten­cy com­pared to com­pe­ti­ti­ve GPU-based solutions —

SANTA CLARA, Calif., May 17, 2022 — Today AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) announ­ced the Kria™ KR260 Robo­tics Star­ter Kit, the latest addi­ti­on to the Kria port­fo­lio of adap­ti­ve sys­tem-on-modu­les (SOMs) and deve­lo­per kits. A sca­lable and out-of-the-box deve­lo­p­ment plat­form for robo­tics, the Kria KR260 offers a seam­less path to pro­duc­tion deploy­ment with the exis­ting Kria K26 adap­ti­ve SOMs. With nati­ve ROS 2 sup­port, the stan­dard frame­work for robo­tics appli­ca­ti­on deve­lo­p­ment, and pre-built inter­faces for robo­tics and indus­tri­al solu­ti­ons, the new SOM star­ter kit enables rapid deve­lo­p­ment of hard­ware-acce­le­ra­ted appli­ca­ti­ons for robo­tics, machi­ne visi­on and indus­tri­al com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and con­trol. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »