Schlagwort: ThinkPad Z

ThinkPad Z Series Ushers in a New Look and Recycled Materials for the Iconic Brand

LAS VEGAS – Janu­ary 4, 2022 – Leno­vo™ is thril­led to announ­ce a new series of Think­Pad lap­tops fea­turing stun­ning pro­gres­si­ve designs that break the mold and intro­du­ce new colors and mate­ri­als for our pre­mi­um busi­ness lap­top portfolio.

The all-new Think­Pad Z13 and Z16 embark on a con­tem­po­ra­ry design phi­lo­so­phy tar­ge­ting a dif­fe­rent busi­ness user audi­ence. The new striking design reflects chan­ging atti­tu­des towards tech­no­lo­gy, its impact on the envi­ron­ment and the ori­g­ins of raw com­pon­ents. Not only is the design meant to pro­vi­de indi­vi­dua­li­stic pre­mi­um color accents such as bron­ze and arc­tic grey, but it also fea­tures more sus­tainable mate­ri­als such as recy­cled alu­mi­num1, or recy­cled black vegan lea­ther2. Sus­taina­bi­li­ty extends to the pack­a­ging which is made from 100% recy­clable and com­post­a­ble bam­boo and sug­ar­ca­ne, and the AC power adap­ter uses 90% Post-Con­su­mer Con­tent (PCC). (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »