Schlagwort: Q1 2021

Quartalszahlen — Intels Umsatz der Data Center Group und Nettogewinn brechen ein

Im ers­ten Quar­tal 2021 hat Intel einen Umsatz von 19,7 Mil­li­ar­den US-Dol­lar erzielt und damit die eige­nen Erwar­tun­gen von 18,6 Mil­li­ar­den US-Dol­lar über­trof­fen. Zwar sank der Umsatz im Jah­res­ver­gleich mit — 1 Pro­zent nur leicht, dafür muss­te man beim Umsatz der Data Cen­ter Group einen Rück­gang von 20 Pro­zent und beim Net­to­ge­winn sogar ein Minus von 41 Pro­zent hin­neh­men. Die Umsatz­er­war­tun­gen für das gesam­te Jahr 2021 wur­den aller­dings von 72 auf 77 Mil­li­ar­den US-Dol­lar erhöht. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

Intel Reports First-Quarter 2021 Financial Results

News Sum­ma­ry

>First-quar­ter GAAP reve­nue of $19.7 bil­li­on, down 1 per­cent year over year (YoY), and non-GAAP reve­nue of $18.6 bil­li­on, flat YoY, which excee­ded Janu­ary gui­dance by $1.1 billion.

▪       First-quar­ter GAAP ear­nings-per-share (EPS) was $0.82; non-GAAP EPS was $1.39, which excee­ded Janu­ary gui­dance by $0.29.

▪       In Q1, Intel CEO Pat Gel­sin­ger unvei­led the company’s new, dif­fe­ren­tia­ted IDM 2.0 stra­tegy for manu­fac­tu­ring, inno­va­ti­on and pro­duct leadership.

▪       Rai­sing full-year 2021 gui­dance. Now expec­ting GAAP reve­nue of $77.0 bil­li­on and non-GAAP reve­nue of $72.5 bil­li­on; GAAP EPS of $4.00 and non-GAAP EPS of $4.60.1

SANTA CLARA, Calif., April 22, 2021 — Intel Cor­po­ra­ti­on today repor­ted first-quar­ter 2021 finan­cial results.

Intel deli­ver­ed strong first-quar­ter results dri­ven by excep­tio­nal demand for our lea­der­ship pro­ducts and out­stan­ding exe­cu­ti­on by our team. The respon­se to our new IDM 2.0 stra­tegy has been extra­or­di­na­ry, our pro­duct road­map is gai­ning momen­tum, and we’re rapidly pro­gres­sing our plans with re-invi­go­ra­ted focus on inno­va­ti­on and exe­cu­ti­on,” said Pat Gel­sin­ger, Intel CEO. “This is a pivo­tal year for Intel. We are set­ting our stra­te­gic foun­da­ti­on and inves­t­ing to acce­le­ra­te our tra­jec­to­ry and capi­ta­li­ze on the explo­si­ve growth in semi­con­duc­tors that power our incre­asing­ly digi­tal world.”
(…) Wei­ter­le­sen »