Schlagwort: CES 2023

AMD Unveils Suite of New Radeon GPUs to Power High-Performance, Power-Efficient Gaming Laptops

AMD Rade­on RX 7000M Series Gra­phics deli­ver out­stan­ding per­for­mance-per-watt, sta­te-of-the-art visu­als and high-frame­ra­te gam­ing, with 26% hig­her per­for­mance on avera­ge than pre­vious gene­ra­ti­on; AMD Rade­on RX 7000S Series Gra­phics rede­fi­ne gam­ing per­for­mance for thin and light laptops

LAS VEGAS, Jan. 04, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today at CES 2023, AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) announ­ced the AMD Rade­on™ RX 7000 Series Gra­phics for Lap­tops. Built on the ground­brea­king AMD RDNA™ 3 archi­tec­tu­re, the new GPUs are desi­gned to deli­ver excep­tio­nal ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy and per­for­mance to power 1080p gam­ing at ultra set­tings and advan­ced con­tent crea­ti­on appli­ca­ti­ons on next-gene­ra­ti­on pre­mi­um laptops.

The new GPUs expand the recent­ly announ­ced AMD Rade­on RX 7000 Series Gra­phics fami­ly. The new AMD Rade­on RX 7000M Series Gra­phics offer out­stan­ding per­for­mance-per-watt while deli­ve­ring sta­te-of-the-art visu­als and high-FPS gam­ing, while the new AMD Rade­on RX 7000S Series Gra­phics maxi­mi­ze the effi­ci­en­ci­es of AMD RDNA 3 archi­tec­tu­re to deli­ver out­stan­ding per­for­mance at low power levels ide­al­ly sui­ted for thin and light lap­tops. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

AMD Extends its Leadership with the Introduction of its Broadest Portfolio of High-Performance PC Products for Mobile and Desktop

— AMD Ryzen™ 7000X3D Series Desk­top pro­ces­sors bring the power of AMD 3D V‑Cache™ tech­no­lo­gy to gamers and creators —

— AMD Ryzen 7000 Series Mobi­le pro­ces­sors deli­ver unpar­al­le­led per­for­mance for deman­ding workloads with up to 16 powerful “Zen 4” cores and bring new Ryzen AI tech­no­lo­gy to sel­ect lap­top devices—

LAS VEGAS, Jan. 04, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today at CES 2023AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) announ­ced a varie­ty of new com­pu­ting pro­ducts across desk­top and mobi­le, brin­ging new levels of per­for­mance for gamers, crea­tors, pro­fes­sio­nals, and main­stream users. AMD is sub­stan­ti­al­ly expan­ding the ran­ge of opti­ons for Socket AM5 users with the new Ryzen 7000X3D Series Desk­top pro­ces­sors and 65W Ryzen 7000 Series Desk­top pro­ces­sors. AMD also announ­ced a new lin­e­up of Ryzen 7000 Series Mobi­le pro­ces­sors, inclu­ding the AMD Ryzen 7045HX Series Mobi­le pro­ces­sors, which deli­ver on avera­ge over 50% more per­for­mance across a wide ran­ge of appli­ca­ti­ons to enable gamers and crea­tors on the go 1. AMD is also intro­du­cing the Ryzen 7040 Series Mobi­le pro­ces­sors, which fea­ture the first dedi­ca­ted arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence hard­ware in an x86 pro­ces­sor on sel­ect models. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

AMD Highlights Future of High-Performance and Adaptive Computing During Opening Keynote of CES 2023

AMD CEO and part­ners inclu­ding Micro­soft, HP, Leno­vo, Magic Leap and Intui­ti­ve Sur­gi­cal show­ca­se AMD tech­no­lo­gies advan­cing AI, hybrid work, gam­ing, health­ca­re, aero­space and sus­tainable computing —

— Unveils new mobi­le CPUs and GPUs, inclu­ding first x86 PC CPU with dedi­ca­ted AI engi­ne and new 3D sta­cked desk­top pro­ces­sors with lea­der­ship gam­ing per­for­mance, and pre­views lea­der­ship AI infe­rence acce­le­ra­tor and data cen­ter APU —

LAS VEGAS, Jan. 04, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today at CES 2023AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) Chair and CEO Dr. Lisa Su detail­ed the signi­fi­cant role high-per­for­mance and adap­ti­ve com­pu­ting plays in crea­ting solu­ti­ons to the world’s most important chal­lenges. During her live key­note, Dr. Su show­ca­sed next-gene­ra­ti­on AMD lea­der­ship pro­ducts rede­fi­ning what’s pos­si­ble across the broad mar­kets AMD ser­ves today.

It is an honor to kick off CES 2023 and high­light all the ways AMD is pushing the enve­lo­pe in high-per­for­mance and adap­ti­ve com­pu­ting to help sol­ve the world’s most important chal­lenges,” said Dr. Su.  “Tog­e­ther with our part­ners, we high­ligh­ted how AMD tech­no­lo­gy is advan­cing what is pos­si­ble in AI, hybrid work, gam­ing, health­ca­re, aero­space and sus­tainable com­pu­ting. We also laun­ched mul­ti­ple new mobi­le, gam­ing and AI chips that will make 2023 an exci­ting year for AMD and the indus­try.” (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

CES 2023: AMD-Keynote Donnerstagmorgen um 3:30 Uhr

Für die in die­ser Woche star­ten­de CES wird AMD in Ver­tre­tung durch CEO und Prä­si­den­tin Dr. Lisa Su eine der Key­notes abhal­ten. Die­se wird mor­gen früh ab 3:30 Uhr star­ten und kann in einem Live­stream — unter ande­rem auch bei uns im Forum mit­ver­folgt wer­den. Laut der Pres­se­mel­dung aus dem Sep­tem­ber wird Dr. Lisa Su über Pro­duk­te der nächs­ten High-Per­for­mance-Gene­ra­ti­on und adap­ti­ve Com­pu­ting-Inno­va­tio­nen reden. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

AMD’s Dr. Lisa Su to Keynote Live at CES® 2023

Arling­ton, VA — Sep­tem­ber 19, 2022. The Con­su­mer Tech­no­lo­gy Asso­cia­ti­on (CTA)® today announ­ced Dr. Lisa Su, AMD Chair and CEO, will deli­ver an in-per­son key­note address at CES 2023, the world’s most influ­en­ti­al tech­no­lo­gy event. Dr. Su will share AMD’s vision—a peren­ni­al high­light of the CES season—on how high-per­for­mance and adap­ti­ve com­pu­ting trans­forms lives by addres­sing the world’s toug­hest problems.

Over the last few years com­pu­ting has beco­me an essen­ti­al and per­va­si­ve part of our dai­ly lives, hel­ping each of us adapt how we work and learn remo­te­ly, while kee­ping us con­nec­ted and enter­tai­ned,” said Dr. Su. “I am exci­ted for the oppor­tu­ni­ty to deli­ver a key­note at CES 2023 to high­light the next gene­ra­ti­on of high-per­for­mance and adap­ti­ve com­pu­ting inno­va­tions, and pro­ducts that will push the boun­da­ries on what is pos­si­ble and play an important role hel­ping sol­ve our most important chal­lenges.” (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »