Schlagwort: Computex 2021

AMD Unveils RDNA 2‑Based Mobile Graphics, New AMD Advantage Laptops, Broadly Compatible Upscaling Technology and More at Computex 2021

AMD Rade­on RX 6000M Series Mobi­le Gra­phics pro­vi­de a gene­ra­tio­nal per­for­mance leap of up to 1.5X, powe­ring the next gene­ra­ti­on of pre­mi­um gam­ing lap­tops from ASUS, HP, Leno­vo, MSI and other lea­ding OEMs

Open-source, cross-plat­form AMD Fide­li­ty­FX Super Reso­lu­ti­on lever­a­ges opti­mi­zed spa­ti­al ups­ca­ling tech­no­lo­gy, deli­ve­ring up to 2.5X hig­her per­for­mance than nati­ve reso­lu­ti­on gam­ing in sel­ect titles

TAIPEI, Tai­wan

06/01/2021 Today at Com­putex 2021 AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) intro­du­ced seve­ral powerful new solu­ti­ons that take high-per­for­mance gam­ing to new levels. Desi­gned to bring world-class per­for­mance, incre­di­ble visu­al fide­li­ty and immersi­ve expe­ri­en­ces to gam­ing lap­tops, the new AMD Rade­on™ RX 6000M Series Mobi­le Gra­phics include the top-of-stack Rade­on RX 6800M – the fas­test AMD Rade­on GPU for lap­tops1, deli­ve­ring desk­top-class per­for­mance2 to power ultra-high frame rate 1440p gam­ing anywhere.

AMD also intro­du­ced theAMD Advan­ta­ge™ Design Frame­work, the result of a mul­ti-year col­la­bo­ra­ti­on bet­ween AMD and its glo­bal PC part­ners to deli­ver the next gene­ra­ti­on of pre­mi­um, high-per­for­mance gam­ing lap­tops. Com­bi­ning AMD Rade­on RX 6000M Series Mobi­le Gra­phics, AMD Rade­on Soft­ware and AMD Ryzen™ 5000 Series Mobi­le Pro­ces­sors with exclu­si­ve AMD smart tech­no­lo­gies and other advan­ced sys­tem design cha­rac­te­ristics, AMD Advan­ta­ge sys­tems are desi­gned to deli­ver best-in-class gam­ing expe­ri­en­ces. The first AMD Advan­ta­ge lap­tops are expec­ted to be available from lea­ding OEMs begin­ning this month.

In addi­ti­on, AMD unvei­led AMD Fide­li­ty­FX Super Reso­lu­ti­on (FSR), a cut­ting-edge spa­ti­al ups­ca­ling tech­no­lo­gy desi­gned to boost frame­ra­tes up to 2.5X in sel­ect titles at 4K reso­lu­ti­on3 and deli­ver a high-qua­li­ty, high-reso­lu­ti­on gam­ing expe­ri­ence. More than 10 game deve­lo­pers plan to inte­gra­te FSR into their top titles and game engi­nes in 2021, with the first games sup­port­ing FSR expec­ted to be available later this month. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

AMD Showcases Industry-Leading Innovation Across the High-Performance Computing Ecosystem at COMPUTEX 2021

Key­note high­lights company’s gro­wing momen­tum, strong and expan­ding set of part­ners, and breakth­rough AMD tech­no­lo­gies powe­ring gam­ing, PCs and the data center

05/31/2021 — Today at COMPUTEX 2021, AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) show­ca­sed its latest com­pu­ting and gra­phics tech­no­lo­gy inno­va­tions to acce­le­ra­te the high-per­for­mance com­pu­ting eco­sys­tem, span­ning gam­ing, PCs and the data cen­ter. AMD Pre­si­dent and CEO Dr. Lisa Su unvei­led the latest breakth­rough in high-per­for­mance com­pu­ting pio­nee­red by AMD with new 3D chip­let tech­no­lo­gy; expan­ded adop­ti­on of AMD com­pu­ting and gra­phics tech­no­lo­gies in the auto­mo­ti­ve and mobi­le mar­kets with indus­try lea­ders Tes­la and Sam­sung; new AMD Ryzen™ pro­ces­sor offe­rings for enthu­si­asts and con­su­mer PCs; lea­der­ship data cen­ter per­for­mance with the latest 3rd Gen AMD EPYC™ pro­ces­sors; and a full sla­te of new AMD gra­phics tech­no­lo­gies for gamers. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

Computex 2021 mit AMD-Keynote von Dr. Lisa Su

In einer Pres­se­mit­tei­lung haben die Ver­an­stal­ter der COMPUTEX bekannt­ge­ge­ben, dass AMDs Prä­si­den­tin und CEO Dr. Lisa Su am 01.06.2021 eine der Key­notes hal­ten wird. Nach­dem die COMPUTEX im letz­ten Jahr aus­ge­fal­len war, wird sie in die­sem als rein digi­ta­le Mes­se statt­fin­den. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

AMD President & CEO Dr. Lisa Su to Keynote at COMPUTEX 2021 on High-Performance Computing Ecosystem

TAITRA (Tai­wan Exter­nal Trade and Deve­lo­p­ment Coun­cil) announ­ced today that Dr. Lisa Su, Pre­si­dent and CEO of AMD, is invi­ted back to deli­ver a key­note address at COMPUTEX 2021. This digi­tal key­note will be on Tues­day, June 1, at 10:00 AM Tai­pei time, with the key­note the­me AMD Acce­le­ra­ting – The High-Per­for­mance Com­pu­ting Eco­sys­tem”.

COMPUTEX dis­plays will be digi­tal this year, with key­notes and forums run­ning on hybrid. “It has been a year unli­ke others. Tech­no­lo­gy has got­ten us through some of the most chal­len­ging times,” said James Huang, TAITRA Chair­man. “We will con­ti­nue to trans­form our exhi­bi­ti­on models and prac­ti­ces to meet the evol­ving needs of our exhi­bi­tors, visi­tors, and media, wit­hout losing the most essen­ti­al ele­ment of a trade show – connection.”

Dr. Lisa Su is proud to join COMPUTEX once again in 2021. “The past year has shown us the important role high-per­for­mance com­pu­ting plays in our dai­ly lives – from the way we work to the way we learn and play. At this year’s COMPUTEX, AMD will share how we acce­le­ra­te inno­va­ti­on with our eco­sys­tem part­ners to deli­ver a lea­der­ship pro­duct port­fo­lio,” said Dr. Lisa Su. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »