Schlagwort: CoWos

TSMC and Broadcom Enhance the CoWoS Platform with World’s First 2X Reticle Size Interposer

Hsin­chu, Tai­wan, R.O.C., Mar. 3, 2020 – TSMC (TWSE: 2330, NYSE: TSM) today announ­ced it has col­la­bo­ra­ted with Broad­com (NASDAQ: AVGO) on enhan­cing the Chip-on-Wafer-on-Sub­­s­tra­­te (CoWoS®) plat­form to sup­port the industry’s first and lar­gest 2X retic­le size inter­po­ser. With an area of appro­xi­m­ate­ly 1,700 mm², this next gene­ra­ti­on CoWoS inter­po­ser tech­no­lo­gy signi­fi­cant­ly boosts com­pu­ting power for advan­ced (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

Präsentation — Meet the experts — AMD und TSMC

Im Rah­men sei­ner “Meet the Experts“-Webinare hat AMD sei­nen Auf­trags­fer­ti­ger TSMC ein­ge­la­den, um über die Zusam­men­ar­beit zu refe­rie­ren. God­frey Cheng — Head of Glo­bal Mar­ke­ting bei TSMC — hat dabei erwähnt, dass man in den kom­men­den Mona­ten nicht nur mehr über klei­ne­re Nodes bei den Fer­ti­gungs­tech­no­lo­gien, son­dern vor allem auch Neu­es zu den Pack­a­ging-Tech­no­lo­gien hören wird. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

Arm and TSMC Demonstrate Industry’s First 7nm Arm-based CoWoS® Chiplets for High-Performance Computing

Hsin­chu, Tai­wan R.O.C., Sep­tem­ber 26, 2019 — Arm and TSMC, the High-Per­­for­­mance Com­pu­ting (HPC) indus­try lea­ders, today announ­ced an indus­­try-first 7nm sili­­con-pro­­ven chip­let sys­tem based on mul­ti­ple Arm® cores and lever­aging TSMC’s Chip-on-Wafer-on-Sub­­s­tra­­te (CoWoS®) advan­ced pack­a­ging solu­ti­on. This sin­gle pro­of-of-con­cept chip­let sys­tem suc­cessful­ly demons­tra­tes the key tech­no­lo­gies for buil­ding an HPC Sys­­tem-On-Chip (SoC) with Arm-based cores (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »