Schlagwort: Epyc 7002
Tyan mit AMD Epyc 7002 Server — Transport CX TN73-B8037-X4S
Nachdem Tyan bereits im August und September neue Produkte mit bzw. für AMD Epyc 7002 Prozessoren (“Rome”) vorgestellt hatte, wurde auch Ende Oktober mit dem Transport CX TN73-B8037-X4S eine 2U 4‑Node Server-Plattform für AMD angekündigt. (…) Weiterlesen »
Tyan mit zwei neuen AMD Epyc 7002 Servern
Von Tyan wurden mit dem Transport CX GC68A-B8036 und dem Transport CX GC68-B8036-LE zwei neue Produkte für AMDs Epyc 7002 Prozessoren der zweiten Zen-Generation (“Rome”) vorgestellt, die als Cloud Storage bzw. Cloud Compute Server vermarktet werden. (…) Weiterlesen »
Tyan kündigt Tomcat CX S8253 und Transport CX TS65-B8253 für AMD Epyc 7002 an
Im aktuellen Newsletter hat Tyan zwei neue Produkte für AMDs Epyc 7002 Prozessoren (“Rome”) angekündigt. Das Dual-Sockel Servermainboard Tomcat CX S8253 und die Transport CX TS65-B8253 Server-Plattform, in der das Tomcat CX S8253 auch zum Einsatz kommt. (…) Weiterlesen »
2nd Generation AMD EPYC processors in new Atos supercomputer aim to reduce impact of severe weather events
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) to leverage high-performance AMD EPYC processors in new system SANTA CLARA, California 01/13/2020 AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) today announced that its EPYC processors have been selected by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) to accelerate its new world-leading supercomputer, based on Atos’s latest BullSequana XH2000 technology, for one of (…) Weiterlesen »
Pogo Linux Redesigns Atlas Server Performance With 2nd-Gen AMD EPYC™ Processors
Pioneer in rackmount server hardware to offer new family of Atlas server systems built on AMD’s newest family of server processors to better handle the most demanding applications and data center workloads. REDMOND, WASH. (PRWEB) NOVEMBER 26, 2019 Pogo Linux, a leading supplier of rackmount servers for the modern data center, today unveiled six single-socket and dual-socket (…) Weiterlesen »
TOP500: GENCI and Atos announce first supercomputer installed worldwide with next-generation AMD EPYC processors
Supercomputer installed at CEA TGCC (Very Large Computing Centre) SC’19, Denver; Paris, France, November 18, 2019 GENCI (the French national high-performance computing organization) and Atos, a global leader in digital transformation, today announce that the latest extension of its Joliot-Curie supercomputer, installed by Atos and administered by the CEA teams at its TGCC (Very Large Computing Centre), (…) Weiterlesen »
AMD Delivers Best-in-Class Performance from Supercomputers to HPC in the Cloud at SC19
— San Diego Supercomputer Center, Swiss ETH, AWS and others leverage record breaking performance of 2nd Gen AMD EPYC™ processors — — AMD CTO Mark Papermaster to detail “The Last Mile to Exascale” — — 2nd Gen AMD EPYC processors enter latest Top 500 list with Atos and GENCI — DENVER 11/18/2019 At SC19, the premier annual event for supercomputing, AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) (…) Weiterlesen »
TYAN Launches AMD EPYC™ 7002 Series Processor-Based HPC and Storage Server Platforms at SC19
TYAN’s Transport Product Line Designed to Deliver Maximum Performance with AMD EPYC™ 7002 Series Processors to Power the Datacenter Products: S8020 S8030 S8036 TN83B8251 TS65B8036 TS75AB8252 TS75B8252 Denver, Colorado – Supercomputing 2019 – Nov 18, 2019 – TYAN®, an industry-leading server platform design manufacturer and a MiTAC Computing Technology Corporation subsidiary, rolled out the latest lineup of HPC and (…) Weiterlesen »
LONDON, Nov. 15, 2019 /PRNewswire/ – Mindtech Global Ltd, a UK based start-up, has announced container support to allow running multiple instances of their Chameleon synthetic data generation tool on clustered platforms. This approach enables full use of available compute resources leading to a significant reduction in training cycle times for neural networks using Synthetic data. Scalability by design Mindtech’s (…) Weiterlesen »
Atos delivers two new BullSequana supercomputers to Météo-France to boost weather forecasting capabilities
Paris, November 14, 2019 Atos, a global leader in digital transformation, has signed a new four-year contract with French national meteorological service, Météo-France, to supply two supercomputers based on its latest BullSequana XH2000 technology. The new systems will multiply Météo-France’s computing power by more than 5, compared to its current solution, enabling it to achieve several (…) Weiterlesen »
AMD “Rome” in Rom — Video und Präsentation
Nach der offiziellen Vorstellung der Epyc 7002 Serverprozessoren mit dem Codenamen “Rome” auf dem Epyc Horizon Event am 7. August in San Francisco hatte AMD ein weiteres Event am 18. September für die EMEA-Region (Europa und Mittlerer Osten) passenderweise in Rom abgehalten. Das Video dazu hat AMD jetzt veröffentlicht, außerdem haben wir noch die gesamte Präsentation für Euch. (…) Weiterlesen »
ASUS Announces New World Records on AMD EPYC 7002 Series 1P Server on
RS500A-E10-RS12U with AMD EPYC 7742 processor achieves multiple highest scores for compute-intensive applications TAIPEI, Taiwan, October 9, 2019 ASUS, a leading server system, server motherboard, workstation and workstation motherboard provider, today announced that the ASUS RS500A-E10-RS12U server with 2nd Gen AMD EPYC™ 7742 processors achieved the highest scores across multiple benchmarks for compute-intensive applications, according (…) Weiterlesen »
GIGABYTE Releases 6 New Unique Single Socket AMD EPYC™ 7002 Server Systems
September 19th 2019, Taipei Taiwan – Following our initial launch of 17 new AMD EPYC™ 7002 Series “Rome” based server platforms simultaneously with AMD’s official launch of their new generation data center processor last month, GIGABYTE is now proud to announce the addition of another six systems to our AMD EPYC™ server family. All new models created especially (…) Weiterlesen »
Dell Technologies Unveils Groundbreaking Servers and Solutions for Modern Data Centers
Dell EMC PowerEdge accelerates performance with 2nd Gen AMD EPYC™ processors to deliver powerful infrastructure solutions for multi-cloud and emerging workloads Dell Technologies (NYSE: DELL) is introducing a portfolio of all-new Dell EMC PowerEdge servers, new Ready Solutions for High-Performance Computing (HPC), and simplified management integrations with leading software and public cloud providers, all designed to (…) Weiterlesen »
Dell mit neuen Serverlösungen für AMDs Epyc 7002
Nachdem man anfangs für Dell erst mit einem relativ späten Launch neuer Serverlösungen für AMDs zweite Generation Epyc am 15. Oktober gerechnet hatte (wir berichteten), hat man nun doch bereits heute umfangreiche Lösungen präsentiert und bietet zwei PowerEdge-Systeme für Ein-Sockel-Server, sowie drei PowerEdge-Systeme für Zwei-Sockel-Server. (…) Weiterlesen »