Schlagwort: Qualcomm

GlobalFoundries and Qualcomm Announce Extension of Long-term Agreement to Secure U.S. Supply through 2028

Mul­ti-bil­li­on dol­lar reve­nue agree­ment increa­ses glo­bal sup­p­ly capa­ci­ty reser­va­ti­on to cover mul­ti­ple technologies

Washing­ton D.C., August 8, 2022 – Fol­lo­wing the recent pas­sa­ge of the U.S. CHIPS and Sci­ence Act last week, Glo­bal­Found­ries (Nasdaq: GFS) (GF), a glo­bal lea­der in fea­ture-rich semi­con­duc­tor manu­fac­tu­ring and Qual­comm Tech­no­lo­gies, Inc. today announ­ced they are more than doubling their exis­ting stra­te­gic glo­bal long-term semi­con­duc­tor manu­fac­tu­ring agree­ment pre­vious­ly ente­red into by GF’s and Qualcomm’s respec­ti­ve sub­si­dia­ries. Today’s announce­ment secu­res wafer sup­p­ly and com­mit­ments to sup­port U.S.-based manu­fac­tu­ring through capa­ci­ty expan­si­on at GF’s most advan­ced semi­con­duc­tor manu­fac­tu­ring faci­li­ty, in Mal­ta, New York. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

AMD and Qualcomm Collaborate to Optimize FastConnect Connectivity Solutions for AMD Ryzen Processors

Joint effort brings remo­te Wi-Fi manage­ment capa­bi­li­ties to IT admi­nis­tra­tors through AMD PRO tech­no­lo­gies suite of enter­pri­se tech­no­lo­gy offerings
SANTA CLARA, Calif., May 17, 2022 — AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) and Qual­comm Tech­no­lo­gies, Inc., a sub­si­dia­ry of Qual­comm Incor­po­ra­ted (NASDAQ: QCOM), today announ­ced a col­la­bo­ra­ti­on to opti­mi­ze the Qual­comm® Fast­Con­nect™ con­nec­ti­vi­ty sys­tem for AMD Ryzen™ pro­ces­sor-based com­pu­ting plat­forms, start­ing with AMD Ryzen™ PRO 6000 Series pro­ces­sors and the Qual­comm® Fast­Con­nect™ 6900. With the Fast­Con­nect 6900 sys­tem, the latest AMD Ryzen pro­ces­sor-powered busi­ness lap­tops fea­ture Wi-Fi® 6 and 6E con­nec­ti­vi­ty, inclu­ding advan­ced wire­less capa­bi­li­ties enab­led with Win­dows 11. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

Qualcomm Unleashes Wi-Fi Gaming Performance for Windows 11 PCs

Micro­soft Win­dows 11 nati­ve sup­port for Wi-Fi Dual Sta­ti­on, cou­pled with Qual­comm Fast­Con­nect 4‑stream Dual Band Simul­ta­neous and broad indus­try sup­port, enables Gam­ing and PC OEMs to effort­less­ly deli­ver ether­net-like relia­bi­li­ty and latency.

Eco­sys­tem sup­port from Acer, AMD, Leno­vo, Micro­soft, Snapd­ra­gon Com­pu­te Plat­forms and Valve


Qual­comm Tech­no­lo­gies, Inc., tog­e­ther with eco­sys­tem lea­ders span­ning key plat­forms and OEMs, is set to rede­fi­ne wire­less expec­ta­ti­ons for laten­cy-sen­si­ti­ve gam­ing, pro­duc­ti­vi­ty and lear­ning appli­ca­ti­ons on Window’s 11 PCs with Qual­comm® Fast­Con­nect™ sys­tems. Wi-Fi Dual Sta­ti­on desi­gned using Qual­comm® 4‑Stream Dual Band Simul­ta­neous, harnes­ses mul­ti­ple Wi-Fi bands and anten­nas con­curr­ent­ly, to out­per­form tra­di­tio­nal sin­gle band con­nec­tions.  By simul­ta­neous­ly uti­li­zing the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz band (or 6 GHz whe­re available), laten­cy issues in one band can be easi­ly resol­ved at a sys­tem-level both quick­ly and trans­par­ent­ly to the end user. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

Qualcomm Cloud AI 100, AMD EPYC 7003 Series Processor, and Gigabyte server solutions breaks the Peta Operations Per Second barrier for AI Inferencing

The­re is no doubt that AI is the dri­ving force for next-gene­ra­ti­on con­su­mer expe­ri­en­ces. Vir­tual­ly every expe­ri­ence on a mobi­le device somehow invol­ves AI, whe­ther it’s scrol­ling through your favo­ri­te social apps or online shop­ping that offers recom­men­da­ti­ons based on tens of thou­sands of AI infe­ren­ces on its own. Now what hap­pens when the­se plat­forms are ser­ving mil­li­ons of users on a given day? That real­ly requi­res racks upon racks of powerful ser­vers that can deli­ver the AI infe­ren­cing per­for­mance requi­red to keep the­se plat­forms hum­ming along.

Today, Qual­comm Tech­no­lo­gies is enab­ling a powerful ser­ver rack that can meet the­se high-per­for­mance requi­re­ments by pai­ring with the latest AMD EPYC 7003 Series pro­ces­sors and Gigabyte’s latest G292-Z43 ser­ver solu­ti­ons. This amal­ga­ma­ti­on of hard­ware exper­ti­se offers incre­di­ble per­for­mance and rai­ses the bar for the modern data cen­ter. Qual­comm Tech­no­lo­gies’ cut­ting-edge Qual­comm Cloud AI 100 fits per­fect­ly into Gigabyte’s ser­ver sys­tem and is capa­ble of dri­ving the incre­di­ble AI use cases in the field of high-speed data ana­ly­sis, per­so­na­li­zed recom­men­da­ti­ons, smart cities, 5G com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons, and more.

The Giga­byte G292-Z43 ser­ver sup­ports two AMD EPYC 7003 Series pro­ces­sors for its pro­ces­sing power along with mul­ti­ple Qual­comm Cloud AI 100 cards for com­pu­ta­tio­nal­ly inten­si­ve appli­ca­ti­ons sup­port­ing AI infe­ren­cing workloads. The Qual­comm Cloud AI 100 Infe­rence Acce­le­ra­tor boasts up to 400 TOPS with breakth­rough performance/Watt and that’s just with one sin­gle Qual­comm Cloud AI 100 card. Now ima­gi­ne a Giga­byte ser­ver can host up to 16 Qual­comm Cloud AI 100 infe­ren­cing cards per ser­ver that, cumu­la­tively, can deli­ver up to 6.4 Peta OPS (400 TOPS x 16, one Peta OPS is 1000 TOPS). This marks the first time a Qual­comm Tech­no­lo­gies AI-based solu­ti­on brea­king the Peta­OPs bar­ri­er. And it gets even bet­ter:  A ser­ver rack can host 19 or more of the­se ser­ver units, which easi­ly exceeds 100 Peta OPS. That is a lot of Qual­comm Tech­no­lo­gies AI mus­cle. See the info­gra­phic below on how it is being con­fi­gu­red. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

Qualcomm to Acquire NUVIA

SAN DIEGO, Jan. 13, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Qual­comm Incor­po­ra­ted (NASDAQ: QCOM) today announ­ced that its sub­si­dia­ry, Qual­comm Tech­no­lo­gies, Inc., has ente­red into a defi­ni­ti­ve agree­ment to acqui­re NUVIA for appro­xi­m­ate­ly $1.4 bil­li­on befo­re working capi­tal and other adjus­t­ments. The tran­sac­tion is sub­ject to cus­to­ma­ry clo­sing con­di­ti­ons, inclu­ding regu­la­to­ry appr­oval under the Hart-Scott-Rodi­no Anti­trust Impro­ve­ments Act of 1976, as amended. 

(…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

Qualcomm Demonstrates Accelerating Wi-Fi 6 Momentum and Highlights Key Inflection Point in Wireless Connectivity Evolution

AUG 27, 2019 SAN FRANCISCO Qual­comm Tech­no­lo­gies, Inc., a whol­ly owned sub­si­dia­ry of Qual­comm Incor­po­ra­ted, hos­ted a Qual­comm® Wi-Fi 6 Day, and detail­ed com­pre­hen­si­ve Wi-Fi 6 momen­tum across cru­cial mul­ti­ple pro­duct seg­ments, inclu­ding mobi­le, com­pu­te, and auto. At the event, the com­pa­ny announ­ced and demons­tra­ted sup­port for important new Wi-Fi 6 fea­tures, descri­bed its trac­tion of (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

Trump-Veto: Broadcom darf Qualcomm nicht übernehmen

Ver­gan­ge­nes Jahr hat­te Broad­com sat­te 130 Mrd. Dol­lar für die Über­nah­me von Qual­comm gebo­ten. Es wäre die größ­te Hoch­zeit in der IT-Bran­che gewor­den, doch sie wird nicht zustan­de kom­men. Der amtie­ren­de US-Prä­si­dent Donald Trump hat sein Veto ein­ge­legt. Das Wei­ße Haus begrün­det den Schritt mit Beden­ken um die natio­na­le Sicher­heit. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

Elefantenhochzeit – Broadcom bietet 130 Mrd. Dollar für Qualcomm

In der Halb­lei­ter­bran­che bahnt sich eine Ele­fan­ten­hoch­zeit an. Wie Broad­com heu­te in einer Pres­se­mit­tei­lung bekannt gege­ben hat, plant das Unter­neh­men den Mit­be­wer­ber Qual­comm für 130 Mrd. US-Dol­lar zu über­neh­men. Die Sum­me beinhal­tet 25 Mrd. US-Dol­lar Schul­den, die Qual­comm auf­grund einer noch nicht abge­schlos­se­nen Über­nah­me belas­ten. Unter dem Strich wäre es der teu­ers­te Ein­kauf in der Bran­chen­ge­schich­te. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

Broadcom Proposes to Acquire Qualcomm for $70.00 per Share in Cash and Stock in Transaction Valued at $130 Billion

Broad­com Pro­po­sal Stands Whe­ther Qualcomm’s Pen­ding Acqui­si­ti­on of NXP is Con­sum­ma­ted on the Curr­ent­ly Dis­c­lo­sed Terms of $110 per Share or the NXP Tran­sac­tion is Terminated
Broad­com and Qual­comm, Inclu­ding NXP, Will Have Pro For­ma Fis­cal 2017 Reve­nues of Appro­xi­m­ate­ly $51 Bil­li­on and EBITDA of Appro­xi­m­ate­ly $23 Bil­li­on, Inclu­ding Synergies
Deli­vers Imme­dia­te, Sub­stan­ti­al and Com­pel­ling Pre­mi­um for Qual­comm Stockholders
Sil­ver Lake Part­ners Pro­vi­des $5 Bil­li­on Con­ver­ti­ble Debt Finan­cing Com­mit­ment Let­ter to Sup­port Tran­sac­tion (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »