Schlagwort: Q2

AMD Reports Second Quarter 2023 Financial Results

SANTA CLARA, Calif., Aug. 01, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AMD (NASDAQ:AMD) today announ­ced reve­nue for the second quar­ter of 2023 of $5.4 bil­li­on, gross mar­gin of 46%, ope­ra­ting loss of $20 mil­li­on, net inco­me of $27 mil­li­on and diluted ear­nings per share of $0.02. On a non-GAAP(*) basis, gross mar­gin was 50%, ope­ra­ting inco­me was $1.1 bil­li­on, net inco­me was $948 mil­li­on and diluted ear­nings per share was $0.58.

We deli­ver­ed strong results in the second quar­ter as 4th Gen EPYC and Ryzen 7000 pro­ces­sors ram­ped signi­fi­cant­ly,” said AMD Chair and CEO Dr. Lisa Su. “Our AI enga­ge­ments increased by more than seven times in the quar­ter as mul­ti­ple cus­to­mers initia­ted or expan­ded pro­grams sup­port­ing future deploy­ments of Instinct acce­le­ra­tors at sca­le. We made strong pro­gress mee­ting key hard­ware and soft­ware mile­sto­nes to address the gro­wing cus­to­mer pull for our data cen­ter AI solu­ti­ons and are on-track to launch and ramp pro­duc­tion of MI300 acce­le­ra­tors in the fourth quarter.”

We are plea­sed with our second quar­ter exe­cu­ti­on,” said AMD EVP, CFO and Tre­asurer Jean Hu. “Loo­king to the third quar­ter, we expect our Data Cen­ter and Cli­ent seg­ment reve­nues to each grow by a dou­ble-digit per­cen­ta­ge sequen­ti­al­ly dri­ven by incre­asing demand for our EPYC and Ryzen pro­ces­sors, par­ti­al­ly off­set by Gam­ing and Embedded seg­ment decli­nes.” (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

Intel Reports Second-Quarter 2023 Financial Results

 Second-quar­ter reve­nue of $12.9 bil­li­on, down 15% year over year (YoY).

  • Second-quar­ter ear­nings per share (EPS) attri­bu­ta­ble to Intel was $0.35; non-GAAP EPS attri­bu­ta­ble to Intel was $0.13.
  • Second-quar­ter results on the top and bot­tom line excee­ded the high end of gui­dance; com­pa­ny con­ti­nues to exe­cu­te stra­tegy with momen­tum across pro­cess and pro­duct tech­no­lo­gy and foundry.
  • Fore­cas­ting third-quar­ter 2023 reve­nue of appro­xi­m­ate­ly $12.9 bil­li­on to $13.9 bil­li­on; expec­ting third-quar­ter EPS attri­bu­ta­ble to Intel of $0.04; non-GAAP EPS attri­bu­ta­ble to Intel of $0.20.


SANTA CLARA, Calif., July 27, 2023 – Intel Cor­po­ra­ti­on today repor­ted second-quar­ter 2023 finan­cial results.

Our Q2 results excee­ded the high end of our gui­dance as we con­ti­nue to exe­cu­te on our stra­te­gic prio­ri­ties, inclu­ding buil­ding momen­tum with our foundry busi­ness and deli­ve­ring on our pro­duct and pro­cess road­maps,” said Pat Gel­sin­ger, Intel CEO. “We are also well-posi­tio­ned to capi­ta­li­ze on the signi­fi­cant growth across the AI con­ti­nu­um by cham­pio­ning an open eco­sys­tem and sili­con solu­ti­ons that opti­mi­ze per­for­mance, cost and secu­ri­ty to demo­cra­ti­ze AI from cloud to enter­pri­se, edge and client.”

David Zins­ner, Intel CFO, said, “Strong exe­cu­ti­on, inclu­ding pro­gress towards our $3 bil­li­on in cost savings in 2023, con­tri­bu­ted to the upsi­de in the quar­ter. We remain focu­sed on ope­ra­tio­nal effi­ci­en­ci­es and our Smart Capi­tal stra­tegy to sup­port sus­tainable growth and finan­cial disci­pli­ne as we impro­ve our mar­gins and cash gene­ra­ti­on and dri­ve share­hol­der value.”

(…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

NVIDIA Announces Preliminary Financial Results for Second Quarter Fiscal 2023

Mon­day, August 8, 2022

  • Preli­mi­na­ry second quar­ter reve­nue of $6.70 bil­li­on ver­sus out­look of $8.10 billion
  • Short­fall ver­sus out­look pri­ma­ri­ly dri­ven by wea­k­er Gam­ing revenue
  • Manage­ment to dis­cuss finan­cial results and out­look on Aug. 24 ear­nings call

NVIDIA (NASDAQ: NVDA) today announ­ced sel­ec­ted preli­mi­na­ry finan­cial results for the second quar­ter ended July 31, 2022.

Second quar­ter reve­nue is expec­ted to be appro­xi­m­ate­ly $6.70 bil­li­on, down 19% sequen­ti­al­ly and up 3% from the pri­or year, pri­ma­ri­ly reflec­ting wea­k­er than fore­cas­ted Gam­ing reve­nue. Gam­ing reve­nue was $2.04 bil­li­on, down 44% sequen­ti­al­ly and down 33% from the pri­or year. Data Cen­ter reve­nue was $3.81 bil­li­on, up 1% sequen­ti­al­ly and up 61% from the pri­or year. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

AMD Reports Second Quarter 2022 Financial Results

 Record quar­ter­ly reve­nue of $6.6 bil­li­on grew 70% year-over-year;
Record quar­ter­ly ope­ra­ting cash flow excee­ded $1 billion ―

SANTA CLARA, Calif., Aug. 02, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AMD (NASDAQ:AMD) today announ­ced reve­nue for the second quar­ter of 2022 of $6.6 bil­li­on, gross mar­gin of 46%, ope­ra­ting inco­me of $526 mil­li­on, ope­ra­ting mar­gin of 8%, net inco­me of $447 mil­li­on and diluted ear­nings per share of $0.27. On a non-GAAP(*) basis, gross mar­gin was 54%, ope­ra­ting inco­me was $2.0 bil­li­on, ope­ra­ting mar­gin was 30%, net inco­me was $1.7 bil­li­on and diluted ear­nings per share was $1.05.

(…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

Intel vermeldet überraschend einen Verlust

Ohne vor­her­ge­hen­de Gewinn­war­nung hat Intel über­ra­schend im Rah­men der Zah­len zum zwei­ten Quar­tal 2022 einen Net­to­ver­lust in Höhe von 500 Mil­lio­nen US-Dol­lar ver­mel­den müs­sen. Der Umsatz sank im Ver­gleich zum Vor­jah­res­quar­tal um 22 Pro­zent auf 15,3 Mil­li­ar­den US-Dol­lar. In den Zah­len ist auch eine Abschrei­bung in Höhe von 559 Mil­lio­nen US-Dol­lar auf das Opta­ne-Geschäft enthalten.
(…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

Intel Reports Second-Quarter 2022 Financial Results

News Sum­ma­ry

▪Second-quar­ter GAAP reve­nue of $15.3 bil­li­on, down 22% year over year (YoY), and non-GAAP reve­nue of $15.3 bil­li­on, down 17% YoY.

▪Intel’s Cli­ent Com­pu­ting and Dat­a­cen­ter and AI Groups lar­ge­ly impac­ted by con­tin­ued adver­se mar­ket con­di­ti­ons; Net­work and Edge Group and Mobi­leye achie­ved record quar­ter­ly revenue.

▪Second-quar­ter GAAP ear­nings per share (EPS) was $(0.11); non-GAAP EPS was $0.29.

▪Revi­sing full-year reve­nue gui­dance to $65 bil­li­on to $68 bil­li­on; rei­te­ra­ting full-year adjus­ted free cash flow guidance.

SANTA CLARA, Calif., July28, 2022 –Intel Cor­po­ra­ti­on today repor­ted second-quar­ter 2022 finan­cial results.

This quarter’s results were below the stan­dards we have set for the com­pa­ny and our share­hol­ders. We must and will do bet­ter. The sud­den and rapid decli­ne in eco­no­mic acti­vi­ty was the lar­gest dri­ver, but the short­fall also reflects our own exe­cu­ti­on issues,” said Pat Gel­sin­ger, Intel CEO. “We are being respon­si­ve to chan­ging busi­ness con­di­ti­ons, working clo­se­ly with our cus­to­mers while remai­ning laser-focu­sed on our stra­tegy and long-term oppor­tu­ni­ties. We are embra­cing this chal­len­ging envi­ron­ment to acce­le­ra­te our transformation.”

We are taking neces­sa­ry actions to mana­ge through the cur­rent envi­ron­ment, inclu­ding acce­le­ra­ting the deploy­ment of our smart capi­tal stra­tegy, while rei­te­ra­ting our pri­or full-year adjus­ted free cash flow gui­dance and retur­ning gross mar­gins to our tar­get ran­ge by the fourth quar­ter,” said David Zins­ner, Intel CFO. “We remain ful­ly com­mit­ted to our busi­ness stra­tegy, the long-term finan­cial model com­mu­ni­ca­ted at our inves­tor mee­ting and a strong and gro­wing divi­dend.” (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

Quartalszahlen Q2/2021 — AMD mit erneutem Umsatzrekord von 3,85 Milliarden US-Dollar

Im zwei­ten Quar­tal 2021 hat AMD einen Umsatz von 3,85 Mil­li­ar­den US-Dol­lar erzielt und dabei einen Net­to­ge­winn von 710 Mil­lio­nen US-Dol­lar erwirt­schaf­tet. Der Gewinn pro Aktie lag bei 0,58 US-Dol­lar (Alle Zah­len nach GAAP). Erwar­tet hat­te AMD einen Umsatz von 3,6 Mil­li­ar­den US-Dol­lar (+/-  100 Millionen).

Gegen­über dem Vor­jah­res­quar­tal stieg der Umsatz um 99 Pro­zent, im Ver­gleich zum vor­her­ge­hen­den Quar­tal betrug der Anstieg 12 Pro­zent. Die Brut­to­mar­ge lag bei 48 Pro­zent. Für das Gesamt­jahr 2021 erwar­tet AMD nun einen Umsatz­zu­wachs von 60 Pro­zent und erhöh­te die Pro­gno­se damit gegen­über den im letz­ten Quar­tals­be­richt avi­sier­ten 50 Pro­zent erneut. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

AMD-Quartalszahlen Q2/2020 besser als erwartet und Ausblick auf ein sehr gutes Restjahr

Im zwei­ten Quar­tal 2020 hat AMD einen Umsatz von 1,93 Mil­li­ar­den US-Dol­lar erzielt und dabei einen Net­to­ge­winn von 157 Mil­lio­nen US-Dol­lar erwirt­schaf­tet. Damit lag man leicht über den Erwar­tun­gen von 1,86 Mil­li­ar­den, die von Ana­lys­ten genannt wor­den waren. Beim Gewinn pro Aktie konn­te man mit 18 Cent eben­falls posi­tiv über­ra­schen, den hier waren nur 16 Cent erwar­tet wor­den. Für das rest­li­che Jahr erwar­tet AMD im Gegen­satz zu Intel ein wei­ter wach­sen­des Geschäft und hob die Umsatz­stei­ge­rung im Gegen­satz zum Vor­jahr deut­lich auf 32 Pro­zent an — bis­lang ging man von 20 bis 30 Pro­zent aus. An der Bör­se leg­te die Aktie von AMD im nach­börs­li­chen Han­del teil­wei­se um über 10 Pro­zent zu. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

AMD-Quartalszahlen Q3/2019

Im drit­ten Quar­tal 2019 hat AMD einen Umsatz von 1,801 Mil­li­ar­den US-Dol­lar erzielt und dabei einen Net­to­ge­winn von 120 Mil­lio­nen US-Dol­lar erwirt­schaf­tet. Damit lag man im Rah­men der Erwar­tun­gen von 1,8 Mil­li­ar­den, die man zu den Zah­len des zwei­ten Quar­tals 2019 in Aus­sicht gestellt hatte.
(…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

AMD-Quartalszahlen Q2/2019

Im zwei­ten Quar­tal 2019 hat AMD einen Umsatz von 1,53 Mil­li­ar­den US-Dol­lar erzielt und dabei einen Net­to­ge­winn von 35 Mil­lio­nen US-Dol­lar erwirt­schaf­tet. Damit lag man leicht über den Erwar­tun­gen von 1,52 Mil­li­ar­den, die man im Rah­men der Zah­len des ers­ten Quar­tals 2019 in Aus­sicht gestellt hat­te. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »