Schlagwort: Supercomputer

TOP500 Expands Exaflops Capacity Amidst Low Turnover

FRANKFURT, Ger­ma­ny; BERKELEY, Calif.; and KNOXVILLE, Tenn.—The 56th edi­ti­on of the TOP500 saw the Japa­ne­se Fug­a­ku super­com­pu­ter soli­di­fy its num­ber one sta­tus in a list that reflects a flat­tening per­for­mance growth cur­ve.  Alt­hough two new sys­tems mana­ged to make it into the top 10, the full list recor­ded the smal­lest num­ber of new ent­ries sin­ce the pro­ject began in 1993.

The ent­ry level to the list moved up to 1.32 peta­flops on the High Per­for­mance Lin­pack (HPL) bench­mark, a small increase from 1.23 peta­flops recor­ded in the June 2020 ran­kings. In a simi­lar vein, the aggre­ga­te per­for­mance of all 500 sys­tems grew from 2.22 exa­flops in June to just 2.43 exa­flops on the latest list. Like­wi­se, avera­ge con­cur­ren­cy per sys­tem bare­ly increased at all, gro­wing from 145,363 cores six months ago to 145,465 cores in the cur­rent list. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University Deploys AMD EPYC™ Processors with Over 2 Petaflops of Computing Power Dedicated to Scientific Research

 AMD EPYC™ Pro­ces­sors pro­vi­de supe­ri­or cost-per­for­mance and high core den­si­ty 

TOKYO, Oct. 01, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today, AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) and Oki­na­wa Insti­tu­te of Sci­ence and Tech­no­lo­gy Gra­dua­te Uni­ver­si­ty (OIST) , announ­ced the deploy­ment of AMD EPYC™ 7702 pro­ces­sors for use in a new, high per­for­mance com­pu­ting sys­tem. The EPYC pro­ces­sor-based super­com­pu­ter will deli­ver the 2.36 peta­flops of com­pu­ting power OIST plans to use for sci­en­ti­fic rese­arch at the Uni­ver­si­ty. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

AMD COVID-19 HPC Fund Adds 18 Institutions and Five Petaflops of Supercomputer Processing Power to Assist Researchers Fighting COVID-19 Pandemic

High per­for­mance AMD EPYC CPUs and Rade­on Instinct GPUs to power COVID-19 focu­sed rese­arch at Stan­ford School of Medi­ci­ne, The Uni­ver­si­ty of Texas at Aus­tin, UCLA, Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to and other insti­tu­ti­ons across the U.S., Euro­pe, and India


AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) today announ­ced a second round of high-per­for­mance tech­no­lo­gy con­tri­bu­ti­ons to assist in the glo­bal fight against the COVID-19 pan­de­mic. AMD is now con­tri­bu­ting high-end com­pu­ting sys­tems or access to Pen­gu­in-On-Demand (POD) cloud-based clus­ters powered by 2nd  Gen AMD EPYC™ and AMD Rade­on Instinct™ pro­ces­sors to 21 insti­tu­ti­ons and rese­arch faci­li­ties con­duc­ting COVID-19 rese­arch. With 12 peta­flops of total super­com­pu­ting capa­ci­ty now award­ed, the com­bi­ned com­pu­te capa­ci­ty dona­ted through the AMD COVID-19 HPC Fund would rank among the fas­test super­com­pu­ters in the world accor­ding to the most recent Top500 list. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

GIGABYTE Technology, Northern Data AG and AMD Join Forces to Drive HPC Mega-Project

Tai­pei, Tai­wan, Sep­tem­ber 9th 2020 – GIGABYTE Tech­no­lo­gy, (TWSE: 2376), an indus­try lea­der in high-per­for­mance ser­vers and work­sta­tions, today is announ­cing a part­ner­ship with Nor­t­hern Data AG (XETRA: NB2, ISIN: DE000A0SMU87) to crea­te a HPC mega-pro­ject with com­pu­ting power of around 3.1 exaflops.

GIGABYTE will sup­p­ly GPU-based ser­ver sys­tems equip­ped with pro­ven AMD EPYC™ pro­ces­sors and AMD Rade­on Instinct™ acce­le­ra­tors from tech­no­lo­gy part­ner AMD, a lea­ding pro­vi­der of high per­for­mance com­pu­ting and gra­phics tech­no­lo­gies, to Nor­t­hern Data.

Nor­t­hern Data deve­lo­ps a dis­tri­bu­ted com­pu­ting clus­ter based on the hard­ware at loca­ti­ons in Nor­way, Swe­den and Cana­da, which in its final stage of deploy­ment will pro­vi­de FP32 com­pu­ting power of around 3.1 exa­flops (3.1 mil­li­on tera­flops and 274.54 peta­flops FP64). The world’s fas­test super­com­pu­ter, the Japa­ne­se “Fuka­gu” (Fuji­tsu), has a cal­cu­la­ti­on power of 1.07 exa­flops FP32 and 415.3 peta­flops FP64, whe­re­as the second fas­test, the US super­com­pu­ter “Sum­mit” (IBM) has a cal­cu­la­ti­on power of 0.414 exa­flops FP32 and 148.0 peta­flops FP64. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

University of Florida, NVIDIA to Build Fastest AI Supercomputer in Academia

Effort will infu­se AI throug­hout UF’s cur­ri­cu­lum and help address wide ran­ge of chal­lenges across the sta­te.     July 21, 2020      The Uni­ver­si­ty of Flo­ri­da and NVIDIA Tues­day unvei­led a plan to build the world’s fas­test AI super­com­pu­ter in aca­de­mia, deli­ve­ring 700 peta­flops of AI per­for­mance. The effort is ancho­red by a $50 (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

Zwei neue Supercomputer mit AMDs Zen 3 “Milan” angekündigt — Prozessoren mit 128 Kernen?

Mit dem “Anvil” und dem “Jet­stream 2” haben zwei ame­ri­ka­ni­sche Uni­ver­si­tä­ten neue Super­com­pu­ter auf Basis der kom­men­den Zen 3 Ser­ver-Pro­zes­so­ren ange­kün­digt, die bei­de in Koope­ra­ti­on mit Dell gebaut wer­den sol­len. Nach Anga­ben der Pur­due Uni­ver­si­tät soll “Anvil” dabei aus 1.000 AMD Epyc “Milan” Pro­zes­so­ren mit jeweils 128 Ker­nen bestehen und eine Per­for­mance von 5,3 Peta­Flops errei­chen. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

NSF awards Indiana University $10M to build Jetstream 2 cloud computing system

The 8 peta­FLOPS sys­tem will pro­vi­de vir­tu­al super­com­pu­ting power to rese­ar­chers in a ran­ge of fields, inclu­ding AI, social sci­en­ces and COVID-19 rese­arch   The Per­va­si­ve Tech­no­lo­gy Insti­tu­te at India­na Uni­ver­si­ty has been award­ed a $10 mil­li­on grant from the Natio­nal Sci­ence Foun­da­ti­on to deploy Jet­stream 2, a dis­tri­bu­ted cloud com­pu­ting sys­tem to sup­port on-demand (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

El Capitan — Supercomputer mit 2 Exaflop mit AMD Zen 4 (“Genoa”) und Radeon Instinct

In einer Pres­se­mit­tei­lung hat AMD bekannt gege­ben, dass man mit El Capi­tan auch das zwei­te von drei geplan­ten Exa­flop-Super­com­pu­tern für das US-ame­ri­ka­ni­sche Ener­gie­mi­nis­te­ri­um mit Pro­zes­so­ren aus­stat­ten wird. El Capi­tan soll dabei mit einer Rechen­leis­tung von mehr als 2 Exa­flop dabei 30 Pro­zent schnel­ler sein als ursprüng­lich geplant, da AMD-Pro­zes­so­ren auf Basis von Zen 4 mit dem Code­na­men “Gen­oa” zum Ein­satz kom­men wer­den. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

Next-Generation AMD EPYC™ CPUs and Radeon™ Instinct GPUs Enable El Capitan Supercomputer at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory to Break 2 Exaflops Barrier

— Col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with HPE tar­gets lea­der­ship HPC and AI pro­ces­sing per­for­mance start­ing in ear­ly 2023 — — El Capi­tan is set to be the second all AMD CPU and GPU exas­ca­le sys­tem in the U.S., and is expec­ted to be more powerful than today’s 200 fas­test super­com­pu­ters com­bi­ned — SANTA CLARA, Calif., March 04, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) today joi­n­ed Law­rence Liver­mo­re Natio­nal (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

Zwei AMD-Supercomputer mit je 12 Petaflops zur Wettervorhersage für die NOAA

In einer Pres­se­mit­tei­lung hat die ame­ri­ka­ni­sche Natio­nal Ocea­nic and Atmo­sphe­ric Admi­nis­tra­ti­on (NOAA) bekannt gege­ben, dass man ab die­sem Herbst zwei Cray-Super­com­pu­ter mit einer Rechen­leis­tung von jeweils 12 Peta­flops in Manas­sa (Vir­gi­nia) und Phoe­nix (Ari­zo­na) instal­lie­ren wird. Bei­de wer­den auf AMDs Epyc-Pro­zes­so­ren der zwei­ten Gene­ra­ti­on (“Rome”) basie­ren und Sys­te­me von Cray und Dell erset­zen. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

U.S. to triple operational weather and climate supercomputing capacity

Com­pu­ting upgrade paves way for plan­ned model impro­ve­ments   Febru­ary 20, 2020 — The United Sta­tes is reclai­ming a glo­bal top spot in high-per­­for­­mance com­pu­ting to sup­port wea­ther and cli­ma­te fore­casts. NOAA, part of the Depart­ment of Com­mer­ce, today announ­ced a signi­fi­cant upgrade to com­pu­ting capa­ci­ty, sto­rage space, and inter­con­nect speed of its Wea­ther and (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

AMD-Supercomputer in Stuttgart und Dresden eingeweiht

Mit dem “Hawk” und dem “CARA” haben zwei wei­te­re Super­com­pu­ter mit AMD-Pro­zes­so­ren ihre Arbeit auf­ge­nom­men. Wäh­rend der “Hawk” heu­te am High-Per­for­mance Com­pu­ting Cen­ter (HRLS) Stutt­gart sei­ne Arbeit auf­nahm und offi­zi­ell vor­ge­stellt wur­de, fand die Ein­wei­hung des “CARA” (Com­pu­ter for Advan­ced Rese­arch in Aero­space) am Deut­schen Zen­trum für Luft- und Raum­fahrt (DLR) in Dres­den bereits am 5. Febru­ar statt. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

Supercomputer „Hawk“ eingeweiht

Höchst­leis­tungs­re­chen­zen­trum der Uni­ver­si­tät Stutt­gart erhält neu­en Super­com­pu­ter Am Höchst­leis­tungs­re­chen­zen­trum der Uni­ver­si­tät Stutt­gart (HLRS) ist heu­te im Bei­sein des baden-wür­t­­te­m­­ber­­gi­­schen Minis­ter­prä­si­den­ten Win­fried Kret­sch­mann, der Minis­te­rin für Wis­sen­schaft, For­schung und Kunst in Baden-Wür­t­­te­m­­berg, The­re­sia Bau­er, und des Par­la­men­ta­ri­schen Staats­se­kre­tärs bei der Bun­des­mi­nis­te­rin für Bil­dung und For­schung, Dr. Micha­el Meis­ter, der neue Super­com­pu­ter „Hawk“ in Betrieb genom­men wor­den. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

Hawk” Supercomputer Inaugurated High-Performance Computing Center of the University of Stuttgart Receives new Supercomputer

Today at the High-Per­­for­­mance Com­pu­ting Cen­ter of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Stutt­gart (HLRS), Baden-Wür­t­­te­m­­berg Prime Minis­ter Win­fried Kret­sch­mann, Par­lia­men­ta­ry Sta­te Secre­ta­ry in the Fede­ral Minis­try for Edu­ca­ti­on and Rese­arch Micha­el Meis­ter, and Baden-Wür­t­­te­m­­berg Sci­ence Minis­ter The­re­sia Bau­er joi­n­ed in a cerem­o­ny mar­king the begin­ning of ope­ra­ti­on of HLRS’s new super­com­pu­ter, cal­led “Hawk.” With a peak per­for­mance (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

£1.2 billion for the world’s most powerful weather and climate supercomputer

Pre­dic­ting seve­re wea­ther and the impacts of cli­ma­te chan­ge will be fas­ter and more accu­ra­te than ever befo­re. Published 17 Febru­ary 2020 From: Depart­ment for Busi­ness, Ener­gy & Indus­tri­al Stra­tegy, Met Office, UK Rese­arch and Inno­va­ti­on, and The Rt Hon Alok Shar­ma MP £1.2 bil­li­on invest­ment con­firm­ed for sta­­te-of-the-art super­com­pu­ter to impro­ve seve­re wea­ther and cli­ma­te fore­cas­ting the latest super­com­pu­ting (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »