Schlagwort: Epyc

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Launches New Services and Capabilities Focused on Giving Customers Even More Flexibility

New fle­xi­ble block sto­rage volu­mes auto­ma­ti­cal­ly tune the per­for­mance cha­rac­te­ristics in respon­se to fluc­tua­ting demand – a first for the indus­try Com­pu­te opti­ons for most workloads from a frac­tion­al sin­g­le-core VM that can burst to full-core per­for­mance to an enti­re HPC clus­ter with high-speed inter­con­nects  Glo­bal orga­niza­ti­ons, inclu­ding Voda­fone, Sam­sung Secu­ri­ties, GoTo and Cox Auto­mo­ti­ve (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

Google Cloud Chooses 3rd Gen AMD EPYC Processors to Power New Compute Focused Instance

SANTA CLARA, Calif. , Feb. 10, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) today announ­ced that AMD EPYC™ pro­ces­sors will power the new C2D vir­tu­al machi­ne offe­ring from Goog­le Cloud, brin­ging cus­to­mers strong per­for­mance and com­pu­te power for high-per­for­mance (HPC) memo­ry-bound workloads in are­as like elec­tro­nic design auto­ma­ti­on (EDA) and com­pu­ta­tio­nal flu­id dyna­mics (CFD). This announce­ment con­ti­nues the momen­tum for AMD EPYC pro­ces­sors, mar­king the third fami­ly of ins­tances powered by 3rd Gen EPYC pro­ces­sors at Goog­le Cloud, joi­ning the T2D and N2D ins­tances. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

Avnet Collaborates with Digital Realty to Develop “Try and Buy” High Performance, Cloud-Based Universal Video Streaming Solutions

Solu­ti­ons enable com­pa­nies to be their own video broad­cas­ters and appli­ca­ti­on pro­vi­ders to enhan­ce their pro­duct offering

PHOENIX–Leading glo­bal tech­no­lo­gy solu­ti­ons pro­vi­der Avnet (Nasdaq: AVT) is team­ing up with Digi­tal Real­ty (NYSE: DLR), the lar­gest glo­bal pro­vi­der of cloud- and car­ri­er-neu­tral data cen­ter, colo­ca­ti­on and inter­con­nec­tion solu­ti­ons, to equip com­pa­nies and appli­ca­ti­on pro­vi­ders to deve­lop, launch, sca­le and/or enhan­ce their video broad­cast pro­duct offe­rings. Joint­ly deve­lo­ped spe­ci­fi­cal­ly for high per­for­mance, cloud-based and secu­re uni­ver­sal video strea­ming, the solu­ti­ons from Digi­tal Real­ty and Avnet will be one-touch (tran­sac­tion), cost-effec­ti­ve “try and buy” opti­ons. The team’s first available solu­ti­on uti­li­zes a 3rd Gen AMD EPYC-based ser­ver inte­gra­ted with a Xilinx U30 FPGA* acce­le­ra­tor card deli­ve­ring excep­tio­nal per­for­mance and flexibility.

A recent stu­dy by Deloit­te (2021) notes that the avera­ge Ame­ri­can home has four digi­tal video ser­vice sub­scrip­ti­ons and the same stu­dy found that 39% of Baby Boo­mers and 29% of Gene­ra­ti­on X rank on demand video as their pre­fer­red enter­tain­ment acti­vi­ty. The joint Avnet and Digi­tal Real­ty video strea­ming solu­ti­ons enable sup­port for a wide base of video strea­ming appli­ca­ti­ons such as: video-based eCom­mer­ce, social media-based appli­ca­ti­ons, video col­la­bo­ra­ti­on, tele­me­di­ci­ne, live sports and events, auc­tions, gambling and sports bet­ting. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

IBM Cloud Selects 3rd Gen AMD EPYC™ Processors for New Bare Metal Offering for Compute-Intensive Workloads

SANTA CLARA, Calif. — 11/10/2021- AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) announ­ced today that IBM Cloud has cho­sen 3rd Gen AMD EPYC™ pro­ces­sors to expand its bare metal ser­vice offe­rings desi­gned to power cus­to­mers’ deman­ding workloads and solu­ti­ons. The new ser­vers, fea­turing 128 cores, up to 4TB of memo­ry and 10 NVMe dri­ves per ser­ver, give users full access to high-end, dual-socket per­for­mance with AMD EPYC 7763 pro­ces­sors; a first for IBM Cloud in a dual-socket platform.

Our cus­to­mers have a high demand for com­pu­ting pro­ces­sing power and the new 3rd Gen AMD EPYC pro­ces­sors pro­vi­de the high levels of per­for­mance and sca­la­bi­li­ty we were loo­king for,” said Suresh Gopa­l­a­krish­n­an, vice pre­si­dent, IBM Cloud. “Our col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with AMD has hel­ped us deli­ver our hig­hest core counts and band­width ever available for IBM Cloud cus­to­mers, to offer top mar­ket per­for­mance for today and tomorrow’s deman­ding workloads.” (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

AMD EPYC Milan‑X mit 3D-V-Cache zuerst in Azure-Cloud

Auf dem ange­kün­dig­ten Dat­a­cen­ter-Event, das inter­es­sier­te Zuse­her gestern Abend auch bei uns im Forum ver­fol­gen konn­ten, hat AMD unter ande­rem die neu­en EPYC Ser­ver-Pro­zes­so­ren mit Code­na­men Milan‑X und 3D-V-Cache vor­ge­stellt. Es han­delt sich dabei um eine Tech­no­lo­gie, die AMD bereits im Som­mer anhand eines spe­zi­el­len Ryzen 5900X demons­triert hat­te. Im Fal­le des EPYC mit sei­nen bis zu acht CCDs ergibt dies eine Gesamt-L3-Cache-Grö­ße von sagen­haf­ten 768 MB. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

AMD Unveils Workload-Tailored Innovations and Products at The Accelerated Data Center Premiere

AMD laun­ches AMD Instinct™ MI200 series acce­le­ra­tors, pre­views 3rd Gen AMD EPYC™ pro­ces­sors with AMD 3D V‑Cache, and pro­vi­des new details on expan­ded set of next-gene­ra­ti­on EPYC™ pro­ces­sors powered by “Zen 4” and “Zen 4c” CPU cores—

— Meta choo­ses EPYC™ CPUs for its data center —

SANTA CLARA, Calif., Nov. 08, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) held the vir­tu­al Acce­le­ra­ted Data Cen­ter Pre­mie­re, laun­ching the new AMD Instinct™ MI200 series acce­le­ra­tors, the world’s fas­test acce­le­ra­tor for high per­for­mance com­pu­ting (HPC) and arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence (AI) workload­si, and pro­vi­ded a pre­view of the inno­va­ti­ve 3rd Gen AMD EPYC™ pro­ces­sors with AMD 3D V‑Cache. AMD also reve­a­led new infor­ma­ti­on about its next gene­ra­ti­on “Zen 4” pro­ces­sor core and announ­ced the new “Zen 4c” pro­ces­sor core, both of which will power future AMD ser­ver pro­ces­sors and are desi­gned to extend the company’s lea­der­ship pro­ducts for the data center.

We are in a high-per­for­mance com­pu­ting mega­cy­cle that is dri­ving demand for more com­pu­te to power the ser­vices and devices that impact every aspect of our dai­ly lives,” said Dr. Lisa Su, pre­si­dent and CEO, AMD. “We are buil­ding signi­fi­cant momen­tum in the data cen­ter with our lea­der­ship pro­duct port­fo­lio, inclu­ding Meta’s adop­ti­on of AMD EPYC to power their infra­struc­tu­re and the buil­dout of Fron­tier, the first U.S. exas­ca­le super­com­pu­ter which will be powered by EPYC and AMD Instinct pro­ces­sors. In addi­ti­on, today we announ­ced a breadth of new pro­ducts that build on that momen­tum in next-gene­ra­ti­on EPYC pro­ces­sors with new inno­va­tions in design, lea­der­ship, 3D pack­a­ging tech­no­lo­gy, and 5 nm high-per­for­mance manu­fac­tu­ring to fur­ther extend our lea­der­ship for cloud, enter­pri­se and HPC cus­to­mers.” (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

Was zeigt AMD morgen — Trento, Instinct MI250(X), OAM, Milan‑X?

Nach­dem in den letz­ten Wochen bereits ers­te Leaks zu den kom­men­den MI200-Gra­fik­be­schleu­ni­gern ver­öf­fent­licht wur­den, hat AMD vor Kur­zem für den mor­gi­gen 8. Novem­ber ein Event ange­kün­digt, dass sich dem The­ma Daten­zen­tren und CPU- und GPU-Beschleu­ni­gern wid­men soll. Dabei dürf­ten vor allem die bereits für den anste­hen­den Exas­ca­le-Super­com­pu­ter “Fron­tier” aus­ge­lie­fer­ten spe­zi­el­len Pro­duk­te vor­ge­stellt wer­den. Ein Tweet von AMDs Prä­si­den­tin und CEO Dr. Lisa Su gibt aber wohl auch Hin­wei­se dar­auf, dass ein OAM-Beschleu­ni­ger zum Ein­satz kommt. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

AMD EPYC™ Processors Expand Performance and Security Innovation Across Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines Portfolio

—Micro­soft Azu­re intro­du­ces new Dasv5 and Easv5 VMs based on 3rd Gen AMD EPYC™ pro­ces­sors, and new con­fi­den­ti­al VMs based on AMD SEV-SNP technology —

SANTA CLARA, Calif. 11/04/2021 — Today, AMD announ­ced its con­tin­ued momen­tum and col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Micro­soft Azu­re,  who is offe­ring the 3rd Gen AMD EPYC™ pro­ces­sor in the latest gene­ra­ti­on of Dasv5 and Easv5 Azu­re Vir­tu­al Machi­nes (VMs). Azu­re is also intro­du­cing new con­fi­den­ti­al VMs, DCasv5 and ECasv5, which use the latest advan­ced secu­ri­ty fea­tures available in 3rd Gen EPYC pro­ces­sors, inclu­ding Secu­re Encrypt­ed Vir­tua­liza­ti­on-Secu­re Nes­ted Paging (SEV-SNP).

The new Azu­re con­fi­den­ti­al VMs, DCasv5 and ECasv5, the first EPYC pro­ces­sor-based con­fi­den­ti­al VMs at Azu­re and the first con­fi­den­ti­al VMs to use SEV-SNP, will enable cus­to­mers to have the data in their secu­ri­ty focu­sed appli­ca­ti­ons encrypt­ed in use, in tran­sit and at rest. The updated Dasv5 VMs, opti­mi­zed for gene­ral pur­po­se workloads, and the Easv5 VMs, opti­mi­zed for memo­ry-based workloads, deli­ver bet­ter pri­ce-per­for­mance for most gene­ral pur­po­se and memo­ry inten­si­ve workloads com­pared to pri­or EPYC pro­ces­sor-based Micro­soft Azu­re VMs.
(…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

AMD zeigt neue EPYC-Prozessoren und Instinct-GPU-Beschleuniger am 8. November

In einer Pres­se­mit­tei­lung hat AMD bekannt­ge­ge­ben, dass man am 8. Novem­ber um 17:00 Uhr (MEZ) im Rah­men eines vir­tu­el­len Events neue Pro­zes­so­ren und Gra­fik­be­schleu­ni­ger zei­gen will. Die­ses Event kann live auf ver­folgt werden.

The vir­tu­al event is sla­ted to fea­ture pre­sen­ta­ti­ons from AMD Pre­si­dent and CEO Dr. Lisa Su, Seni­or Vice Pre­si­dent and Gene­ral Mana­ger, Data Cen­ter and Embedded Solu­ti­ons Busi­ness Group For­rest Nor­rod, and Seni­or Vice Pre­si­dent and Gene­ral Mana­ger, Ser­ver Busi­ness Unit Dan McNamara.”

(…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

AMD to Host Accelerated Data Center Premiere Virtual Event on November 8, 2021

SANTA CLARA, Calif. 10/25/2021 -AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) will host its Acce­le­ra­ted Data Cen­ter Pre­mie­re on Novem­ber 8, 2021 at 11 a.m. ET, show­ca­sing the company’s upco­ming inno­va­tions with AMD EPYC™ pro­ces­sors and AMD Instinct™ acce­le­ra­tors.

The vir­tu­al event is sla­ted to fea­ture pre­sen­ta­ti­ons from AMD Pre­si­dent and CEO Dr. Lisa Su, Seni­or Vice Pre­si­dent and Gene­ral Mana­ger, Data Cen­ter and Embedded Solu­ti­ons Busi­ness Group For­rest Nor­rod, and Seni­or Vice Pre­si­dent and Gene­ral Mana­ger, Ser­ver Busi­ness Unit Dan McNamara.

The event will be acces­si­ble to the public at start­ing at 11 a.m. ET. A replay will be available and can be acces­sed after the con­clu­si­on of the live­stream event.

Supporting Resources:

(…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

Blacknut Cloud Gaming Solution Powered by Radian Arc’s Latest GPU Edge Computing Platform and AMD Radeon™ PRO V520 Graphics plus AMD EPYC™ Series Processors

LOS ANGELES – Octo­ber 20, 2021 – Black­nut will be pre­sen­ting its cloud gam­ing solu­ti­on, built on Radi­an Arc’s turn­key Infra­struc­tu­re as a Ser­vice (IaaS) GPU-Edge plat­form which is powered by AMD Rade­on™ PRO V520 GPUs and AMD EPYC™ CPUs, at Mobi­le World Con­gress Los Ange­les 2021 in the AMD booth #1820.

Cloud gam­ing is an emer­ging cate­go­ry in the games indus­try with mar­ket pro­jec­tions esti­ma­ted to exceed $6 bil­li­on in reve­nue by 2024. Black­nut is the lea­ding cloud gam­ing solu­ti­on dis­tri­bu­ted to con­su­mers and busi­nesses through ISPs, device manu­fac­tu­r­ers, over the top ser­vices and media companies.

Radi­an Arc and Black­nut have deve­lo­ped a turn­key solu­ti­on for cloud gam­ing uti­li­zing AMD Rade­on PRO V520 GPUs and AMD EPYC CPUs to harness a high-per­for­mance gam­ing archi­tec­tu­re, deli­ver­ed across ISPs inclu­ding 5G net­works. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

AMD Expands Collaboration With Google Cloud to Deliver Faster Application Performance and Elevate Business Productivity with AMD EPYC™ Processors

— Latest Goog­le Com­pu­te Engi­ne N2D vir­tu­al machi­nes use 3rd Gen EPYC™ pro­ces­sors for on avera­ge, over 30% bet­ter price-performance —
SANTA CLARA, Calif. 09/30/2021

AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) today announ­ced Goog­le Cloud is expan­ding its use of AMD EPYC™ pro­ces­sors with the pre­view of N2D Vir­tu­al Machi­nes (VMs) powered by AMD EPYC™ 7003 Series pro­ces­sors. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

AIC Launches Multi-node Server and Storage Systems Powered by AMD EPYC™ 7003 Series Processors

Tai­pei, Tai­wan, Sep­tem­ber 29, 2021—  AIC Inc., (from now on refer­red to as “AIC”), a lea­ding pro­vi­der in enter­pri­se sto­rage and ser­ver solu­ti­ons, today announ­ced the avai­la­bi­li­ty of its new mul­ti-node per­for­mance opti­mi­zed sys­tems powered by AMD EPYC™ 7003 Series pro­ces­sors. The­se AIC and AMD based pro­ducts are ide­al for edge-cloud sto­rage, enter­pri­se sto­rage, arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence, machi­ne lear­ning, HPC, and edge computing.

(…) Wei­ter­le­sen »


Com­pe­ti­ti­on in the mar­ket for high-per­for­mance semi­con­duc­tors tar­ge­ting data cen­ter workloads is red hot accor­ding to the latest Data Cen­ter Ser­ver Mar­ket Tra­cker from rese­arch group Omdia.

In the ser­ver CPU mar­ket, AMD scored its best-ever quar­ter from a mar­ket share and sales per­spec­ti­ve with demand from hypers­ca­le cloud ser­vice pro­vi­ders, and Goog­le in par­ti­cu­lar, being a big con­tri­bu­ting fac­tor to AMD’s strong performance.

The demand for ser­vers across all mar­ket seg­ments remain­ed strong in the second quar­ter of 2021 amidst con­cerns about order ful­fill­ment due to com­po­nent cons­traints. The indus­try saw 3.4 mil­li­on ser­vers ship­ped in the second quar­ter of 2021, the same amount as during the record second quar­ter of 2020. This was in line with Omdia’s fore­cast for the quar­ter and resul­ted in a total of $21.5 bil­li­on dol­lars of ven­dor revenue.
(…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

AMD EPYC™ Processors Picked by Argonne National Laboratory to Prepare for Exascale Future

- The new Pola­ris super­com­pu­ter will opti­mi­ze AI, engi­nee­ring, and sci­en­ti­fic pro­jects for forth­co­ming exas­ca­le super­com­pu­ter at Argon­ne Natio­nal Laboratory -

SANTA CLARA, Calif., Aug. 30, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) announ­ced that the U.S. Depart­ment of Energy’s (DOE) Argon­ne Natio­nal Labo­ra­to­ry (Argon­ne) has cho­sen AMD EPYC™ pro­ces­sors to power a new super­com­pu­ter, cal­led Pola­ris, which will prepa­re rese­ar­chers for the forth­co­ming exas­ca­le super­com­pu­ter at Argon­ne cal­led Auro­ra. Pola­ris is built by Hew­lett Packard Enter­pri­se (HPE), will use 2nd Gen EPYC pro­ces­sors and then upgrade to 3rd Gen AMD EPYC pro­ces­sors, and will allow sci­en­tists and deve­lo­pers to test and opti­mi­ze soft­ware codes and appli­ca­ti­ons to tack­le a ran­ge of AI, engi­nee­ring, and sci­en­ti­fic pro­jects. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »